Social Phobia Treatment
The term "phobia" is used to describe any strong, persistent, and unreasonable fear of something or an object. Phobias are common and often occur for several years. These phobias have become so intense that the individual may experience extreme anxiety if they are exposed to the object of his or her phobia. The symptoms of …
Using Tea Tree Oil to Treat Jock Itch
If you are looking for jock itch cream for your tingling feet or legs, then there are a few different options out there. Jock itch, which can be caused by a fungal fungus, is actually quite common in athletes. It is often accompanied by red, itchy patches on your body, especially around your groin area. …
Signs That Liver Failure May Exist
Liver failure, liver cancer, or cirrhosis of the liver is a serious condition which can threaten the life of a person. This type of condition can be caused by many different things, but generally, when you reach these stages of chronic liver disease, your medical treatment options are very limited. That is why it is …
What Are the Symptoms of Paroxysmal Arrhythmia?
Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation, or A-far, is an arrhythmogenic, or abnormal heart rhythm, that is a medical condition in which a person experiences an irregular heartbeat that occurs unexpectedly and without warning. Paroxysmal arrhythmias usually occurs due to damage to the myocardium, a heart muscle that is responsible for controlling the rhythm of the heart’s beating. …
What You Can Do About Kidney Infections
There’s no cure for renal failure, but by careful management with medication it’s possible to prolong a healthy life even into the later stages. Having renal failure isn’t necessarily a death sentence. Most people with renal failure live productive lives and keep up with the things that they enjoy. The first stage of kidney …
Symptoms of Liver Disease
Liver disease is characterized by a series of typical symptoms, most of which are commonly associated with other gastrointestinal problems. This makes accurately diagnosing liver disease difficult at first. The liver acts as the first defense against internal and external infections and is the largest organ in the body, but because of its size …
Treatments For Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation (AFIB) is the narrowing or blocking of a person’s heart’s atria, which are the chambers in the heart. The result is a condition that causes irregular heartbeats and can lead to a stroke if left untreated. This condition has been found to be hereditary. It is more common in men than women and …
Using Radichio For Your Diet
The Radicchio, the Radichio is a small perennial plant commonly known as Italian radicchio because of the prominent use in many Italian dishes. It is mostly grown as an annual leaf vegetable and has purple-green leaves that form an upright head with white-veined purple-blue berries that grow up to two inches tall. Radicchio comes in …