
“Almost immediately after starting the Buteyko exercises, I was able to start breathing through my nose. This is a huge accomplishment for me because I have long suffered from perpetual nasal congestion/restriction and had become a habitual mouth breather. The nasal breathing coupled with the excercises have put my breath back under my control”…more T.S. …

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“I took the Lifelong Easy Breathing course six months ago. After the first couple of weeks of exercises, I no longer had a stuffed nose at night and was able to give up using nose drops for the first time in years…more BC, age 66 Pippa Kiraly Seattle USA (There are Testimonials on most pages …

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Buteyko and Eczema …Both the eczema and asthma are now well in check and she is itch free… Sarah X. age 10 Jennifer Harris Australia ………………………………………. Buteyko and EczemaEczema before Buteyko …Here’s a picture that I really hate. I took it to show my skin specialist in 2002. I was extremely lucky because, although my …

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Panic Attacks

Jenny can now go to the cinema, the shops and to parties without worrying that she may have a panic attack …more Buteyko New Zealand case study …………………………………………………………………………. Panic attacks and high blood pressure. “I learned how to control approaching panic attacks and keep my blood pressure down. Now, I rarely need to take a …

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Blocked Nose

“…Within a couple of days my nose, usually blocked 90% of the time, was almost completely cleared and I had my first full eight hours of sleep since God knows when.” Buteyko Northwest …most amazing was the lady with what seemed to me a terminally blocked nose who by day two had started to breathe …

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…The turning point for me was the fourth day, taking a walk — no more huffing and puffing!” Chris Bauman, Buteyko Canada The symptoms associated with hyperventilation are Respiratory System Shortness of breath, tightness in chest, over sensitivity of airways, production of mucus, excessive sneezing, long term blocked or running sinus, excessive yawning and sighing. …

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Chest Infections

“I suffered lung infections and bronchitis and asthma. Except for a little bit of phlegm, I feel so much better now.” Jim. Chris Bauman


Hayfever and sinusitis sufferer …Peter struggled to get the condition under control, but with perseverance he found that he made an improvement and didn’t have to resort to using medication… Peter 45 year old hayfever and sinusitis sufferer Kim Upton Breathe Calm UK …………………………………………………………………………. …I used to have hay fever as well as asthma but …

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