Gallstones and Cholelithiasis

The medical term for cholelithiasis 'cholecystitis'. The medical term for gallstones, or symptomatic gallstones, is cholecystitis.


They are small, crystal-shaped deposits that may form within the gallbladder, around the bile duct and the spleen


They vary in size from small grains of sand (called ascites) to large stones (calcium pyrophosphate) – though larger stones are far more common. The size of the stones is not related to their shape, but rather the position of the stones in their gallbladder. The stones are formed when fatty acids are unable to pass through the gallbladder into the bloodstream. These fatty acids are broken down into lactic acid and water, with the water being excreted from the gallbladder and the lactic acid being deposited in the bile duct.


Stones can be small (less than half an inch in length) or they can be larger (more than a half inch). There are no special factors that cause stones to form in gallbladders. Stones are most common in people with poor or abnormal diet.


Gallstones are usually harmless and pass through the body without causing much damage. However, when they grow in size, they may block the bile duct and cause pain and difficulty in swallowing food. Small stones may be passed in one day, but larger stones may have to wait months before they can be flushed from the body.


Some people who suffer from gallstones develop acute cholecystitis. This is usually a result of consuming a lot of fat or taking a course of antibiotics. The gallbladder becomes inflamed because the stone is causing severe irritation of its mucus lining. Once this is done, the stone is passed through the bile duct. It will then go through the small intestine where it is absorbed by the bloodstream.


If a patient has gallstones, there are two types of treatment available: the surgical removal of the stones or surgical evacuation. Surgical removal requires a doctor to remove the stones through an incision. The gallstones are usually placed inside a pouch made out of the stomach and a large pouch is made just outside the stomach. The stones are then drained into the pouch with a syringe.


Surgery can be successful but it can also lead to further complications and is expensive


It is also risky for some patients. Excess weight may make the procedure harder and may result in complications, if the stones are still attached to the gallbladder. Surgery may also result in scarring and it is not always possible to pinpoint which gallstones belong to which patient. The surgical option has also proven not to improve the patient's health over time.


Stones can be prevented by diet and daily exercise. The main dietary change in patients with gallstones is to decrease the consumption of fatty foods and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables.


Patients with a history of biliary tract infections or gallstones should drink plenty of water. Otherwise, the liver may struggle to process nutrients. This can damage the liver and lead to the formation of gallstones. Patients with gallstones also need to lose weight Morithin 500. This can prevent bile from entering the intestines.


Bile is a waste product made in the liver. The bacteria and substances from food are then expelled through the bile and excreted through the ureter. It is important for patients to remember to brush their teeth daily. Brush twice a day is sufficient, but a good toothpaste can do wonders if the toothbrush is no longer available.


Daily exercise helps a lot to flush out toxins. Exercising on a daily basis also stimulates the digestive system and promotes better digestion. Some people who suffer from gallstones will not suffer from cholelithiasis at all if they eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.


Doctors may prescribe a course of antibiotics for patients with gallstones. Antibiotics can help dissolve the stones and prevent them from forming further. However, doctors cannot guarantee that the patient will never develop gallstones again. Also, some antibiotics only work temporarily and once the condition is back, they are again needed.

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