The Oral Health Specialist
The mouth, or oral cavity, in anatomical terminology, is the opening through which air and food to enter the body; it is characterized by the jaws, soft palates, lips, and jaws. The mouth also opens to the outside in the front and closes to the back; its interior boundaries are determined by the soft palates …
CPAP Therapy – What Does it Do?
CPAP therapy stands for continuous positive airway pressure Positive airway pressure is an effective mode of respiratory ventilation utilized in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP is also widely used for patients who are severely ill in a hospital with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The use of CPAP helps in achieving a better …
Treating Serotonin Syndrome From Using a Serotonin Booster
Serotonin Syndrome is the development of too much serotonin within your brain, leading to a myriad of different symptoms At times, taking just one drug for serotonin levels can result in serotonin syndrome, sometimes even affecting immune system function. In order to stop this from happening, you will need to discover what serotonin is …
Treating Serotonin Syndrome From Using a Serotonin BoosterRead More
How to Treat Athlete’s Foot – Tips to Prevent and Treat Athlete’s Foot
Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, is caused by the fungal infection known as tinea cruris This condition occurs because of improper foot care and footwear, as well as poor personal hygiene practices. When the symptoms of athlete's foot occur, it may be difficult to treat because it can spread from one patient …
How to Treat Athlete’s Foot – Tips to Prevent and Treat Athlete’s FootRead More
Gallstones and Cholelithiasis
The medical term for cholelithiasis 'cholecystitis'. The medical term for gallstones, or symptomatic gallstones, is cholecystitis. They are small, crystal-shaped deposits that may form within the gallbladder, around the bile duct and the spleen They vary in size from small grains of sand (called ascites) to large stones (calcium pyrophosphate) – though larger …
Do You Know the Difference Between a Stingray and a Jellyfish?
Jellyfish-like creatures are the informal names given to the second phase of some gelatinous members of a subphylum Medusozoa, a large portion of the phylum Cnidium. These creatures are called jellyfish because they have a thin skin with a solid shell over it. They are also referred to as "jellyfish" because jellyfish can reproduce sexually. …
Do You Know the Difference Between a Stingray and a Jellyfish?Read More
Preventing Salmonella in Chicken and Other Healthy Foods
Salmonella is generally known as the 'stomach bug'. In the US, it's the most commonly cause of food-borne illness. Salmonella can occur in raw chicken, eggs, meat, and even on cooked vegetables and fruits. Symptoms usually include diarrhea, stomach cramps, headaches, and even fever. Sometimes the symptoms are severe, but most people have mild to …
Preventing Salmonella in Chicken and Other Healthy FoodsRead More
What to Look For in Early Symptoms of Kidney Failure
What are the early symptoms of kidney failure? Unfortunately, in many cases, kidney disease is caused by some other health conditions that have done irreversible damage to the kidneys over time (damaging them). When your kidneys aren't functioning as well as they once did, they can't function as efficiently as they once did. Kidney …
What to Look For in Early Symptoms of Kidney FailureRead More